Pet Danger – Seasonal Reminders

We thought this would be the perfect time to remind you of dangerous foods particularly during these warm months when they are available from the grocer or local farms and/or might be part of your outdoor dining or kitchen scraps when you are entertaining.  This information was amassed by the  They have given permission to share with others.  This was updated this past April!  ????

Apple (Seeds)

The casing of apple seeds is toxic to a dog as they contain a natural chemical (amygdlin) that releases cyanide when digested. This is only an issue if a large amount is eaten and the seed is chewed up by the dog, causing it to enter its bloodstream. To play it safe, be sure to core and seed apples before you feed them to your dog.   I should mention our dogs love to eat apples and they help to clean teeth.


Avocados contain persin, which can cause diarrhea, vomiting and heart congestion. The most dangerous part of an avocado is the pit because it is a choking hazard and it is full of persin. If you think your dog has ingested an avocado pit, call your vet asap. If your dog ate a small piece of avocado, it will probably be okay, but make sure you monitor your dog and call your vet for further care.     Therefore if you are serving guacamole or a salad with avocado…keep them out of reach and warn your guests not to feed your dogs.

Candy, Chewing Gum, Toothpaste & Mouthwash

Not only does candy contain sugar, but it often contains xylitol, which can lead to vomiting, loss of coordination, seizures and liver failure.  Watch out for this substance in certain peanut butters especially if you are using it to hide a pill!

Cat Food

Cat food contains proteins and fats that target the diet of a cat, not a dog. The protein and fat levels in cat food are too high for your dog, and not healthy. Ingesting too much cat food can result in upset stomach, obesity and pancreatitis.


Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which speed the heart rate and stimulate the nervous system. Depending on the type of chocolate, amount your dog ingested and your dog’s weight-this will determine how sick (or not sick) your dog may become.

Ingesting too much theobromine and caffeine in chocolate may result in vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, increased urination, tremors, elevated heart rate, seizures and death.3 Below is a list of most dangerous to least dangerous chocolate to dogs:

  • Cocoa powder
  • Unsweetened baker’s chocolate
  • Semisweet chocolate
  • Dark chocolate
  • Milk chocolate
  • White chocolate

Coffee, Tea & Other Caffeine

Caffeine is extremely dangerous to dogs, and within 1-2 hours, your dog could be experiencing mild to severe hyperactivity, restlessness, vomiting, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, tremors, seizures and death.

Cooked Bones

When it comes to bones, the danger is that cooked bones can easily splinter when chewed by your dog. Raw (uncooked) bones, however, are appropriate and suitable for both your dog’s nutrition and teeth.

Corn On The Cob

While small amounts of corn are safe for a dog to ingest, giving your dog an ear of corn can be dangerous. If your dog is determined enough (which let’s face it, most dogs are) they will eat the cob and all. The cob can be a choking hazard and can cause intestinal blockage. This could be fatal to your dog.

Fat Trimmings

Cooked and uncooked fat trimmings can cause pancreatitis.  After grilling be careful where you put the remains of your trimmings and drippings on a plate, platter or chopping board!


While garlic can be okay for dogs in tiny amounts (and even beneficial for flea treatment), more significant amounts can be risky. Garlic is related to onions which are toxic for dogs because it kills dog’s red blood cell count, causing anemia. Signs may include weakness, vomiting and troubles breathing.  

Grapes & Raisins

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure for dogs. Even a small amount can make a dog ill. Vomiting is an early symptom followed by depression and low energy. We’ve heard stories of dogs dying from only a handful of grapes, so do not feed your pup this potentially toxic food. Therefore remember to keep your wine/grape juice away from cat and dog reach.    


An ingredient in beer that can be toxic to your dog. The consumption of hops by your dog can cause vomiting, panting, increased heart rate, fever and even death.    Again, during these warm summer months be sure to keep pets away from mugs, pitchers and bottles of beer when you are indoors and outdoors. Please warn visitors as well.

Human Vitamins

It isn’t recommended to give your dog one of your vitamins or supplements. Human vitamins often contain 100% of the recommended daily amount of various minerals. This could cause a mineral overdose for your dog.

The most dangerous vitamin is prenatal vitamins, which have a higher dose of iron and can cause iron toxicity in pets. If your dog ingests a bunch of prenatal vitamins (or other vitamins with a high dosage of iron), you should call your vet immediately. 


In small amounts, liver can be okay but avoid feeding too much to your dog. Liver contains quite a bit of vitamin A, which can adversely affect your pup’s muscles and bones.

Macadamia Nuts

Ingesting even small amounts of macadamia nuts can be lethal to your dog. Symptoms include muscle shakes, vomiting, increased temperature and weak back legs. If your dog ingested chocolate with the macadamia nuts, the symptoms can be worse.


The level of poison depends on how much exposure your dog has. There isn’t much information out about dogs and marijuana, but from what we can find, these are the common symptoms: slow response times, dribbling urine, heart rate change, neurological stimulation, hyperactivity, coma and even death.  Now that this is more popular particularly during these hibernating COVID times-please be aware of this danger.

Milk & Dairy Products

While small doses aren’t going to kill your dog, you could get some smelly farts and some nasty cases of diarrhea. Milk and dairy products can cause digestive problems as well as trigger food allergies.

Onions & Chives

No matter what form they’re in (dry, raw, cooked, powder, within other foods), onions are some of the absolute worst foods you could give your pup. They contain disulfides and sulfoxides (thiosulphate), both of which can cause anemia and damage red blood cells.5


Bell Peppers are okay to feed dogs. Dogs are carnivores and prefer meat to vegetables, but there are some benefits to veggies. For example, green peppers are a low-calorie snack, packed with vitamin C and beta-carotene.

Be sure to chop peppers into small pieces because the outer skin can be tough and difficult to chew. Pureeing or steaming the peppers makes them easier to consume and digest. As with most human food, don’t overdo it because too much could lead to sickness. It might go without saying, but never give your dog a spicy variety such as jalapeños or hot peppers!

Persimmon, Peach & Plum Pits

Pits/seeds from these fruits can cause intestinal issues in dogs. Additionally, peach and plum pits have cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs (and people!).

Raw Meat & Fish

Raw meat and fish can be contaminated with bacteria which causes food poisoning. Additionally, some fish can contain a parasite that causes “fish disease” or “salmon poisoning disease (SPD).”

Symptoms include vomiting, fever and enlarged lymph nodes. Cooked fish is perfectly fine since the cooking process kills the parasites but be sure to remove all bones to avoid choking or internal organ risks.5

Raw meat can be safe to feed dogs, but only if you know it’s uncontaminated and safe for consumption. In fact, raw diets for dogs are increasing in popularity.

Rhubarb & Tomato Leaves

These contain oxalates, which can cause, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weakness, tremors and bloody urine.


Just like salt isn’t the healthiest thing for humans, it’s even less healthy for dogs. Too much of it can lead to sodium ion poisoning, which may result in vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, increased temperature, seizures and even death.


This applies to any food containing sugar. Make sure you check the ingredient label for human foods – corn syrup (which is a less expensive form of sugar or glucose) is found in just about everything these days. Too much sugar for your pup can lead to dental issues, obesity and even diabetes.


Tobacco contains nicotine, which can be lethal to dogs. Symptoms include vomiting, abnormal heart rate, tremors and weakness. Tobacco poisoning can present itself within 1 hour of ingestion.


Sugar alcohol found in gum, candies, baked goods and other sugar-substituted items, xylitol, while causing no apparent harm to humans, is extremely toxic to dogs. Even small amounts can cause low blood sugar, seizures, liver failure and even death for your pup. Watch out for peanut butter as some brands contain this chemical.


Just like yeast rises in bread, it will also expand and rise within your pup’s tummy. Make sure they don’t get any. While mild cases will cause gas, lots of farting and discomfort — too much of it could rupture their stomach and intestines. Yeast dough is also dangerous because as it ferments and rises it makes alcohol which can lead to alcohol poisoning



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